Belief of Allaah 2 and me
This is what I understand normally.
Become to bring Allaah's name up for it become actor, scientist, politician, lecturer.
Follow Qur'aan in each and every job like write for Allaah, explain some Scientific Theory, treat people well, help family members in their job, give message to people for living well, pay attention to Allaah and live, learn correct from Music/songs that how does Allaah works or in what direction we should think for Allaah like it teaches to not do sins (music is no fighting Allaah job as you hear music you don't fight Allaah), only understand Allaah from Movies as some happenings we see which could due to Allaah too someday so we shouldn't do wrong we learn from movies (MOVIES ARE no deceiving Allaah job as EVEN we don't do anyjob by watching MOVIES), play video-games (due to first verse of Qur'aan to know more worlds or know kinds of life), Believe in Allaah all the TIME, keep hope from Allaah that all well happens, support laws of your country, pray economy runs well, speak right or what is required or what people like, think how Allaah runs everything so their are Allaah's signs in various jobs, take shower for Allaah means do ghusl, know Allaah in all positive things, MEANS DO EACH AND EVERYJOB FOR ALLAAH Or try to think Qur'aan says what for different jobs is what I try to know but only Allaah could give success as only with time we can understand.
Energy, Time, Force-travelling BETWEEN US TOO is managed by Allaah so we live in mass and by using force too from Allaah.
Allaah has created something from HIM that BELIEF we have.
Allaah has more Zameer and Eemaan than us. Allaah never denies Zameer and Eemaan whatever Allaah wishes or does.
After keeping hope from Allaah means after that Allaah will help means all the time we should keep hope from Allaah.
You din't reach NUR of Allaah so anything wrong too could happen.
If you Believe in Allaah your all the jobs will be done someday.
Whatever happens Allaah is always there.
Everything if came from Allaah will be their otherwise are more temporary comparing to a-thing-of-Belief/Believer.
Allaah wants things running so if we become the part of Economy like become reason purpose for things running Allaah will know us or work for us too.
If truth right justice, Rules and Principles, Zameer and Eemaan either one if doesn't remain in people any world or Earth isn't running.
Allaah is creating each and every force all the time to make everything exist, so each and everything is there and doing its job too.
Each and everything is in TIME too formed by Allaah so all things do job due to TIME and are in TIME, and TIME is made how Allaah alone understands as Allaah is there in TIME too.
Sun and Moon are firstly for a Believer created by Allaah so we are dependent on something outside Earth due to which life is running so only Allaah can create and manage such system due to which we also live.
If something wrong happens there is no Allaah Does Job Sentence in Qur'aan.
IF ALLAAH IS THERE SOMEWAY OR SUCH WAY like we see in things around us like non-living things, machines working (one thing) or all support and co-operation due to which Economy could be made to work (two thing) even Believe Allaah is possible due to others too (three thing) or possible to breath (four thing) ALL THESE THINGS ARE THEIR DUE TO EEMAAN AND QUR'AAN ARE THERE. Means If Eemaan and Qur’aan are denied then atleast we will come to know. Without consent of Allaah Eemaan and Qur’aan can’t be denied.
Allaah might remove Eemaan and Qur’aan without informing and still if keep things running, then it means so that Allaah has bigger job than Eemaan and Qur’aan. So Allaah if wishes to do anyjob Eemaan and Qur’aan or bigger Belief than Eemaan and Qur’aan could be there.
We live inreal to show to Allaah which is very big job of Qur'aan.
BELIEF IS FROM Allaah so some Allaah or contact of Allaah is from or due to Qur'aan.
Allaah is always reason purpose correct and if Allaah does wrong Allaah could be thinking to teach or arrange something for other life/lives like till we don't understand such/that-kind-of Qur'aan.
Allaah has created attraction between male and female so we have to work on success which Allaah will give us from Qur'aan.
We are on the mission of Allaah if follow Qur'aan or Believe in Allaah. We are on such mission-of-Allaah due to Qur'aan too.
Allaah job is to help Believers that is due to Qur'aan alone and Qur'aan says if you are not following Qur'aan Allaah is with disbelievers so unless you follow some way Qur'aan Allaah can't help you as inreal Allaah has given surety for success of a Believer if follow Qur'aan. So due to Qur'aan Allaah will help but Allaah ALSO wants to help a Believer what Qur'aan is for. Even if Allaah asks you something you should see in Qur'aan the same Topic/matter then do it, means as Allaah wants to help a believer it is always from or due to Qur'aan first and normally.
I feel doing Namaaz should be like this I say, in Namaaz we should only think such sentences I informed here and atleast half Namaaz should be without any thought, for it you can pay attention on verses you recite so can control thoughts in Namaaz, your fingers should be joint in sijdah, you should do action slowly and recite the verses at as less speed as possible. As Allaah has asked for profound, correct, valuable Namaaz such Namaaz should be before Allaah. Any wrong Namaaz turns you no non-believer but un-believer means not eligible to believe in Allaah it makes you, so you don't remain good at health and means don't remain normal means like enemies of Allaah you become and it is better you stay away from Namaaz than doing Namaaz wrong, like with thinking wordly matters in Namaaz or speedy Namaaz you shouldn't do which lets you takes wrong decisions in life and you keep going far from ALLAAH so don't/shouldn't do wrong Namaaz. So do Namaaz for Allaah but it is only done if don't forget what I say for Namaaz.
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